Thursday, March 24, 2011

TCA update

I want to begin by thanking each and every member for embracing and engaging in the creation of The Customer Advantage. I am amazed and blessed to be connected with so many truly serving and brilliant people. I am humbly grateful to have the opportunity to be involved in this revolutionary process.

I now want to review the progress of TCA and current events.

1. As you know TCA is growing rapidly. A new email system is being integrated that will allow 250,000 emails to be sent per hour. As planned we are moving to the next phase of our server system and will be complete by early next week. There will be some shut downs in the early morning hours between now and then as this is applied. These two changes will handle the next wave of growth.

2. TCA will have ongoing webinars on Thursday evenings. There is an early (8:30ET/5:30PT) and late (11:30ET/8:30PT) webinar each week. All members can register for the webinars on the Conference Call page of the back office. Links to previously recorded webinars are also available on this page.

3. There is now a FAQs link in the Help drop down menu of the back office that will take you to the Support system. You will find solutions for many of your questions through this link. Please also connect with your team. The true power of TCA is the strength of the membership.

Lastly I would like to include several paragraphs of a letter that was written by one of TCAs top leaders Joel Friant. Joel has been actively involved with TCA as a member from the early days. Many of you are here today due to his leadership and unwavering faith in Johns vision.

"I know firsthand how hard John has been working. I know that those who ARE building now will reap the greatest rewards as TCA rolls out bigger and better than anyone ever thought we would. Even John himself stated 'It's one thing to have a vision; it's another to make it real...' You are seeing this vision become real right before your eyes. So many times we dont notice something so big until AFTER it happened. John has been incredible at stating what would happen and it is happening!

Again, for those out there sitting idle who plan on building a group eventually, TCA appreciates you being part of the network and we welcome you to sit on the sidelines and watch. For those who have both faith and vision, we thank you. As John has said all along, this thing called TCA is bigger than any one of us, and its going to happen with or without any one of us. The convergence of technology; social media; community awareness; personal responsibility and accountability; and the search for a real solution paired with what John has put together for us, creates an incredible foundation to impact the world. One small step at a time. The face of marketing for businesses and how businesses are supported by their communities is changing forever!"

You will now see more direct and personal communication from TCA corporate. Look forward for another update next week!


Daniel Smith, Joel Friant and the TCA team

P.S. John would like to ask that each of you include his grandfather in your thoughts and prayers. At the age of 95 his grandfather has spent the last 3 weeks in the hospital. John was raised by his grandfather. John says,"My grandfather's unwavering integrity, love and compassion is within the core of myself. It is signifanct part of who I am."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

from The Customer AdvanTAGE Boss

Well, it’s an exciting time here at The Customer Advantage headquarters! We trust all of you are feeling the excitement too.

You may have joined for the great offers that are on the way, or the ability to change yours and many others lives financially, and that’s great! We’re so excited about that too. It’s one part of what makes the TCA vision so incredible!

You may also be involved because of the positive change that TCA’s vision will bring to the world. Businesses, individuals and non-profits working in concert together to increase local jobs and build strong communities! Are you ready?

There’s actually SO much more that we have not communicated yet. We feel strongly that every one of you are in for the most rewarding ride of your life. With strong intent and rock solid belief in what we are all creating, step by step TCA IS becoming all it’s meant to be!

Isn’t it great to be early to the party! You will be able to watch first hand and participate as we go to 10 million, 20 million, 30 million members and then far beyond. The calls and connections coming in on a daily basis, as well as the early growth we are seeing definitely and absolutely supports those numbers. Right now we are growing around 1,000 new members a day. Now more than ever is the time to get the word out and be building because these millions will come after you. Those that build a strong foundation now will reap the biggest rewards.

Here’s a back office tip for those who’d like to change their e-mail address - Log in to your virtual back office, click my account, then my profile, and then ‘contact information’. Change your e-mail to what you desire and click ‘Save’. You will then receive an e-mail with a confirmation link to complete the change.

Other questions we are getting are -

• How will I get paid when the time comes?
• Is there a minimum $ amount earned before a payout is released?
• Won’t you need my tax and other information to make a payment to me?
• How will the daily deals be purchased? Pay Pal, Regular Merchant Account or ?
• When will the deals be launching?

The answers to these questions follow, with many more answers to other questions in our next e-mail.

ACH direct deposit system for members compensation is our leading solution currently. The minimum $ amount before a payout is released is $25. Once you have a payout pending, you will then be required and directed to the proper place in your virtual office to supply the necessary payment information.

Deals will be purchased through a regular merchant account, of which we have one of the most robust in the world to serve us. All major credit cards will be accepted. We have a date in mind when the deals will begin, however it is not possible at this time to release it as many changes are being made currently at the programming level to accommodate a MUCH larger launch than we initially anticipated. Sooner and smaller, or later and larger. Either way, deals will soon flow, payouts will soon flow, and lives and communities will begin to be changed because of all of you spreading our company and mission.

How does it feel to know that you are part of building a real company here, one that is being built to pay businesses, individuals and non-profits for many years into the future? One that will change the business landscape in America and the world for the better. You can make TCA your vehicle for changing lives, and restoring hope.

Together we’ll make 2011 your best year ever!
-The Customer Advantage

Monday, January 10, 2011

The customer advantage program

Please note that the the customer advantage program discussed in this advisory is available only to those who
reside or have a valid address in the United States.

I'm sure you have heard of Groupon, a company whose founder declined a buyout 6
billion dollar buyout offer. Now we have the chance to be among the first members of
a very similar company called The Customer Advantage which has improved upon the
business model by adding a very innovative marketing plan. Everyone can succeed when
it is always free and saves everyone money on products and services in your local
community. Very simply, Groupon does not pay their members who recommend their
service. The Customer Advantage does pay their members and millions of folks who
have subscribed to Groupon will be coming to The Customer Advantage.

Check this site out and join for free and understand that there is no cost now and that there
will never be a cost to participate in the future. Get paid while saving money and helping your
friends to save money as well!

Watch the short "how it works" video for an overview and then check out the other

Think of all the non-profits that will benefit by sharing this with their members. Schools,
churches, clubs, and businesses also, the list is endless and those who are the first to reach
out to these organizations will reap the rewards!

We have an incredible team, and this is a "total no brainer" that is attracting
leaders and part timers both.